Tag Archives: Hulk

With the huge success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), many people have become familiar with some of the franchise’s most popular superheroes. Whether it be Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, or the Hulk, the superheroes have captivated moviegoers throughout the globe for over a decade. With such a unique and iconic look, the Hulk may be the one hero that stands out the most.


Characterized as a large mutant monster with green skin, the Hulk developed his appearance from an exposure to gamma radiation. Although the concept of becoming a large mutant monster may not be feasible in real life, it is in fact possible for the color of skin to turn (or appear) green.

Some ways that skin can do that includes:

• Prolonged contact to cheap gold, copper, and certain metals typically found in inexpensive jewelry.
Exposure to strong chlorine levels in water.
During the process of bruising there is a stage where the iron in the blood turns green and can become visible through the skin.
Patients experiencing multiple organ failure may be at risk for unusual pigmentation effects from feeding tube dyes.
Condition known as gangrene can cause the skin to appear green prior to turning black.

If you notice the color of your skin changing, contact your doctor immediately, as it may be a sign of a more serious medical condition.