Summer Skincare Myths

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With summer now here, it’s especially important to take care of our skin and be aware of proper sun protection. There are many misconceptions that can lead to skin damage and to ensure the health of it, it’s important to learn the facts and dispel the myths.

Summer Skincare Myths

Myth #1: All sunscreens are the same.

Sunscreens are very different based on their ingredients and level of sun protection. Additionally, some contain chemical ingredients that can be irritating for some skin types, while physical sunscreens are made with mineral ingredients that are gentler on the skin.

Myth #2: If I get a base tan, I won’t get a sunburn at the beach.

A base tan in no way prevents further damage to future sun exposure. The best way to prevent sunburn is to avoid tanning and use sunscreen. 

Myth #3: Sunscreen only needs to be applied once a day.

Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, or after swimming or sweating, to ensure maximum protection.

Myth #4: Any sunscreen will protect my skin from the sun.

A sunscreen must have an SPF of at least 30, combined with ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.  This will help to block both UVA (long-wave radiation which can lead to wrinkling and aging) and UVB (short-wave radiation which can cause sunburn) rays, both of which can lead to skin cancer.

Myth #5: Must be outside for an extended period to accumulate sun damage.

It actually only takes 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure to cause damage to the skin. Also, make sure to apply sunscreen for about 15 minutes before going outside.

Myth #7: Sun exposure helps acne.

The sun can actually make it worse by causing damage to the skin which can lead to inflammation.

Myth #8: The lips don’t get sunburned.

The lips can get sunburned just like any other part of the body. To protect them, try using a lip balm or moisturizer with SPF.

There are many myths surrounding skincare and sun protection in the summer, being informed of the truth is the best way to protect your skin from damage. To learn more, contact the skincare experts at Lisa S. Ball, NP today!